Lunch and Learn: World War II on the Homefront
A discussion with Michael Hardy, August 10th at 12:00pm
Visit Fort Defiance on August 10th at noon for a Lunch and Learn presented by local historian Michael C. Hardy. Mr. Hardy will lead a discussion focusing on the local home front during World War II. Michael has written twenty-six books on topics primarily focusing on western North Carolina and the Civil War. His complete biography can be found at https://www.michaelchardy.com/bio.
Bring a bag lunch to the Fort Defiance picnic shelter for this free presentation to learn how the lifestyles of
the “Greatest Generation” were affected by the war in Europe and the Pacific.
As always, staff will be on hand to provide tours of Fort Defiance for the typical admission fee of $7 for
adults and $5 for children. The Lunch and Learn will go forward rain or shine so please be prepared for the